Root of her problems

Last week a coworker came to work raving about a recent dental visit. “I got a root canal for just over $100. Can you believe that? Most places charge $600-700!”


This week, she returned to work with bad news. “I had to get another root canal. Apparently the dentist did the root canal on the wrong tooth. Plus, it appears something in the wrong root canal has caused an infection. So, basically, I had two root canals. The dentist I previously went to was closed for the holiday so I had to go to a new dentist and he kept asking if I was homeless.”


As she continued to share details of her dental dilemma she repeated the question this week’s dentist asked her, “Are you homeless?” “Why did he keep asking you that? Where did you get your dental work done last week?” I asked. “A homeless clinic,” she reluctantly replied. “Are you homeless?” I asked. “No! I’m a cheapskate,” she informed me.


Turns out her financial mindset may be the actual ‘root’ of her problems. Confucius say, “The best time to go to the (good) dentist is tooth hurty.” Confucius don’t say, “Two root canal better than one.”

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