I’ve got (circadian) rhythm

As of late, and by late I mean late at night, I haven’t been sleeping. This isn’t really anything new for me. My body has been on a graveyard shift for years. I blame zeitgebers and you would too if you knew what they were.


Apparently, lack of sleep is related to one’s circadian rhythm, which can also affect hormones, temperature, weight and mood. Luckily, when I don’t sleep, I don’t get moody. That said, I can’t guarantee I don’t have crazy hormones or extreme temperatures. As for my weight, well, ask my pants.


When I found out about this circadian rhythm business I did what I often do – tried to find the positive. The positive in this case is the fact that I can now actually claim to have rhythm. Some, like FatGirl, might argue this point and I might consider arguing back, but I prefer to pick on people my own size and with similar zietgebers.

So, for now, I’ll just continue to focus on my new found rhythm and hope to soon experience an instrumental break.


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