(g)old digger

The other night, while avoiding average, I saw a story about George Clooney, James Woods and other ‘Hollywood types’ dating women much younger than them. For example, Woods is 66 and his girlfriend is 20. A  four, nearly five, decade difference. His girlfriend isn’t even old enough to legally drink alcohol with him. Fortunately, for Woods, anyone can drink Metamucil.


A few days after observing this machismo mayhem I attended a celebration for residents over 100 years of age. As I entered the venue one of my coworkers asked, “Are you here because you’re looking for a boyfriend?” “Am I in Hollywood?” I asked back.


A few minutes later another coworker approached me and said, “Slipped off my ring and hoping to marry into old money.”  “Classy,” I replied. “Hey, I’m not a bad person, I just find love everywhere I go.”  An oldie but goodie – I’m guessing that’s what Woods’ girl says too.




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