Mad cow

That’s Not Chinese was in the mood for stoop time and, with it being summer and a bit rainy, we decided mojitos would be the best beverage. We pulled up our favorite chairs, propped up our feet on the cooler and relaxed. Luckily, That’s Not Chinese did not pee in my yard this time. Not sure what stopped her, maybe it was the cacti I planted in her “spot”.

Sleepless eventually made her way to the stoop and enjoyed a cool summer beverage before we headed out. Our first stop was a barbeque with Tile, Very Interested and several other peeps. We were all in the backyard enjoying the thunder and lightning when Sleepless stated she was going in to avoid being hit by lightning. Right soon after she made this decision it started raining. Very Interested stated, “Well I’m going in too. I’m sugar. I melt in the rain.”

The rain let up and we made our way to another barbeque at the home of The Leaver and QuQueen. We missed dinner, however, arrived just in time for dessert. As we were eating ROFL’s birthday cheesecake QuQueen asked if I had heard The Leaver’s story about the cow attack. The Leaver overheard the question and started telling the story in true story telling fashion – animation, actions and all. Apparently they had been lazing around the river on rafts when a cow started staring down The Leaver and turned to charge into the water. The expressions on The Leaver’s face and the exchanges between she and QuQueen were so funny we were all near tears we were laughing so hard. The Leaver was not amused, “I could have died!” She decided to prove this comment and quickly Googled how many people die from cow attacks. “One in 123. Ha! There are more cow attacks than shark attacks.” ROFL responded, “That is an utterly amazing story but I think you may be milking it just a bit.”

I did some research when I got home and, based on what I found, cows may attack every now and again but the majority of the attacks occur when the cows are angry and the people are in the United Kingdom. Puts a whole new twist on mad cow.

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