I’m so contused

Tuesday nights have quickly become the night I hang out with Sleepless and company. We typically frequent the same establishment, however, every now and again we mix it up a bit. This week, we went to the same place we went last week. Please note: even though we went two weeks in a row, this is not our regular venue.

Upon arrival we were greeted by Tile, BeauD, Very Interested and DCC. Tile had invited several friends, as had Sleepless. We pushed two tables together, which provided more space, but made it harder to reach across for food and things. I was reviewing the menu with Tile and Sleepless and was quasi-sitting on my stool when it feel out from under me. I quickly stood up but the stool fell to the ground, hitting my heel on its way. I told Very Interested that I would most likely have a contusion. A little later Tile and I were talking to one of the wait staff and told him about the contusion. “A contusion,” he said. “Those only happen on the head.” “No way,” I told him. “Those are concussions. Contusions can happen anywhere.”

The contusion didn’t bother me the rest of the evening, but that is most likely because I was asleep, in bed, without shoes. Most of which are common concurrent activities. Although sometimes I don’t sleep in my bed. Anyway, I got ready for work, put on a shoe and tried walking. I did OK, but I clearly did some damage to my heel. Bad heel on the left, broken toe on the right. I’m an accident that didn’t wait to happen.

I was telling a coworker about my contusion and he said, “Contusion? Oh, yeah, contusion. I know what that is – I watch CSI. They say things like, ‘There was a contusion on the arm.’ That’s where I get all of my medical information.”

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