Bitches beget bitches

Rated R and I spend a lot of time in the outdoors. By ‘outdoors,’ I mean the exterior areas of our homes – the garage, yard, stoop and patio.


While outdoors, we enjoy observing, critiquing, drinking, eating, and holding yard sales. We typically keep to ourselves, but often invite non-creepy neighbors and friends to join us. For whatever reason, we also end up with a random dog or cat in our mix. Bitches beget bitches. These animals generally come alone – sans owner – and stay with us for several hours.


Most recently, while holding a yard sale at Rated R’s new home, a little brown dog joined our ranks. He stuck around all day, played with potential buyers, and was patient with the wee one. We tried out several names with him – Hank, Huck, Finn – the name that seemed to work best, however, was Knock Knock. Knock Knock. Who is it? Exactly.


Rated R was growing quite fond of Knock Knock and was seriously considering keeping him. “You know, they say pets pick their owners,” she told me. “Looks like you’ve got a new dog,” I replied. “I really want him,” she said then sent a text to Cream Of Tartar advising him of our yard sale gains – $40 and a new dog. Because Knock Knock didn’t have any tags, Cream Of Tartar suggested we phone animal services so they could retrieve him. Reluctantly, we did so.


About 40 minutes later Knock Knock was put in the back of a patrol car and was headed to the clink clink. It was sad to see him go – he’d been a good three hour companion. “I wish I had taken a picture of him in the back of the police car,” Rated R told Cream Of Tartar and I later. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that I wouldn’t have to hold yard sales. We’re not sure what will come of Knock Knock. Hopefully, like some people we know, he’ll get a couple of hot meals and be released on Monday.

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