Seeing Someone

While greeting customers at the furniture store an older man entered the store and asked me for driving directions to a different store. I provided him directions, several times because he was having difficulty retaining the information, and he paid me a compliment, “You’re very beautiful. Are you married?” “No,” I replied. “Would you mind if I called you later?” he asked. “Oh, that’s very kind, but I’m seeing someone.” He then asked me for driving directions, again.


Am I seeing someone? Yes, I’m seeing lots of people. From the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed I see people. Sometimes it is me I see, other times I see people in the car next to me, every now and again I see things I don’t want to see – usually my neighbors sitting shirtless on their porch. When I see the latter, I take a picture and send it to Sleepless and Rated R so they, too, can honestly say they’re seeing someone.

2 thoughts on “Seeing Someone”

  1. I love seeing you. Although I am looking forward to seeing less of your shirtless neighbors. I’ve already started praying to baby Jesus that a handsome man moves in- for our viewing pleasure.

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