Low-Tech Ho

The New York Post is a great source for all kinds of trivial information. The other evening, while getting my ‘I can’t sleep’ dose of the Post, I ran across an article about bottle service girls.


These are the girls who pour incredibly overpriced bottles of alcohol (champagne is always a given) for people with a lot of money. They typically work at high end clubs, festivals or private parties. In addition to profiting from the alcohol prices, they make tips and have opportunities for ‘extra’ income.


As I read the article about these women, six of whom decided to start their own business and call it TheSix (they are actually only five, but when you make as much money as they do you eventually stop counting), I thought to myself, “The Seismic Six, now Freestyle Five, could totally do this!” We don’t make that much money, yet, so when we lose one, we notice.


I really think we could do this. We’re like champagne – bubbly; like vodka – filtered, especially on Instagram; and, together, were like some wines – blended.  As far as a business name, as much as I like Freestyle Five, I think we need to do something a little more catchy and self-explanatory. As I re-read the Post article (for strategic planning purposes), I decided we should call ourselves ‘Low-Tech Ho,’ after one of TheSix’s highest paying customers, Low Taek Jho.


Low Taek Jho is a Malaysian man who nobody really knows. Nobody really seems to care, however, because he spends a lot of money at their places of business. In fact, one evening, he spent $60,000 on bottle service. Which makes me think we can get at least $10,000 out of him for box service (not a double entendre). We don’t do bottles, we’re low-tech hos.

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