Moving up the Ladder

I’m on my third week back in the office and I’m learning several things 1) many coworkers didn’t know I was out for two months 2) those who did know I was out didn’t know why 3) rumors were flying and 4) my covered parking spot was a hot commodity.

“I didn’t even know what happened to you. Obviously, I knew you weren’t at the office, but I didn’t know why until you told me. I mean, I heard the rumors,” one coworker told me. “Rumors?” I asked. “What rumors?” “Just dumb stuff,” she said with hesitation. “Dumb stuff like what?” I asked again. “Something about drunk driving,” she replied. “Are you serious?” I asked. “That’s just what I overheard one day,” she replied. “What were the other rumors?” I asked. She changed the subject.

This morning, while getting ready for work, I missed a call from a coworker. She left a message asking if the rumor she heard was true and, if so, could she please park in my shady parking stall.” I, sober and not driving, sent her a text advising her I was not, in fact, in New York City and would be parking in my spot shortly.

I’m not sure why or how why these rumors got started, but I’m with Hugh Jackman on this one, “I have a wife and a son and the gay rumors have started. I guess it’s a sign that I’m moving up the ladder.”

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