Test Group

FatGirl is known for many things but language skills is not one of them. Well, actually, in a roundabout way, language skills is one of them.


A sweet, little (short) Hispanic boy from a small town North of the ‘big city,’ FatGirl’s first language is English. His second language is Valley Girl, however, many who don’t know him might think his first language is Valley and second is English. He loves to draw out words while pronouncing many of them incorrectly and, on most occasions, making many of the letters (primary ‘t’) silent. Examples include silen(t), moun(t)ain, impor(t)ant and exac(t)ly.


In addition to having his own dialect, he also has a tendency to swear a lot. Swearing has never been an issue for me – I don’t mind hearing it and I don’t have any difficulty enhancing my vocabulary with ‘profanity.’ I do, however, understand some people have issue with it and try to be respectful. Emphasis on try.


FatGirl, on the other hand, just lets it roll. “Sorry, I swear a lot,” he told Awkward’s young daughter and a few seconds later was at it again. “My apologies,” I told Awkward’s daughter. “He is in a Tourette Test Group and, clearly, is receiving the placebo.” FatGirl giggled, looked at me and said, “Fuck you! Even if it is true. Shit!”

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