300 for 10

MiniMe is moving to a very small town in Alaska where many of the luxuries of modern city living, such as cars and shaved ice shacks, are not common. Although some people have cars, many walk or use ATVs or snowmobiles. As far as shaved ice shacks go, however, the whole area is essentially an ice shack – pre-shaved.


Knowing that not having a car, thus, not being able to just take off and drive around town, was a big deal for MiniMe, I decided we should take an improptu road trip. So, at 3 PM on Independence Day, we each packed a small bag and began our 300+ mile car ride to Sun Valley, Idaho to watch the fireworks. We arrived just before 8 PM with enough time to tool around town for a bit and grab a quick bite to eat. A few minutes after 10, just seconds after laying a blanket down on the ground, the fireworks show began.


Ten minutes later, it was over. It’s been a long time since I’ve driven over three hundred miles for ten minutes of ‘fireworks.’


The next morning, as we drove home, we stopped at a gas station to refuel and pee. When I got to the restroom I quickly realized we weren’t the only travelers with this idea. As I waited in line the woman in front of me looked back at me and said, “This is why I wear diapers. I’m 85 years old. You from these parts?” I replied, “Diapers would be very helpful right now. No, I’m not from here. You?” “I’m from Denver and I’m moving to Seattle to live with my son. I’m wearing white pants so using my diaper might not be good,” she replied. “Good point,” I agreed.


300+ miles for 10 minutes of fireworks, 85 years of wisdom, and one unused adult diaper – maybe.










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