Competitions await

During my first physical therapy appointment they asked if I needed to return to anything right away. “What do you mean?” I asked. “You know, like are you training for a triathlon? Do you need to return to work soon?” My answer to both was ‘no.’


As time has passed and my abilities have returned I have started telling them about various competitions and events that are awaiting me.


“I signed up for a breakdancing competition in August,” I informed my therapist. “Are you serious?” “No, I’m just kidding. I am, however, registered for the Rock, Paper, Scissor Championship this month,” I replied. “That you can probably do,” he informed me. “You’ve never seen this version,” I quipped.


Other competitions I have been advised against participating in include Archery, Body Building, Krumping, Arm Wrestling, Boxing and Amateur Night at the local strip club. “I guess my only remaining option is kayaking, ” I suggested to my therapist. “No, not that either. I would recommend you not be an athlete and instead be an athletic supporter,” he advised. Pulling a Principal McGee is a surefire why to get me to comply. One competition I could do is the Robot. My left arm is rocking the stiffness and, if I throw in some of my signature Hobot moves with my right arm, it will take my competition ability up a notch.  Now on stage: RoHo.

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