Post Surgery Decline

Ever since I’ve had my surgery I have felt a bit spacy. “It’s probably the anesthesia. That stuff stays in your system longer than you think,” I’ve Noticed told me. “Good point,” I said and the tried to remember what it was we were talking about.


According to various studies, none of which I can recall right now, it is not uncommon for ‘older adults’ to experience memory loss after major surgery.


According to various studies, none of which I can recall right now, it is not uncommon for ‘older adults’ to experience memory loss after major surgery. My apologies, I already said that.


The other day, a technician was working at my house and I was making breakfast. As I cleaned up the kitchen I put some water in the pan to cook off the food. As you have probably already guessed, I forgot about the pan until the technician and I were walking through the kitchen and saw it smoking like crazy. “I forget a lot since the surgery  – and they operated on my shoulder, not my head,” I told him. “Are you sure they didn’t operate on your head?’ he asked in a very nonchalant fashion. He may be onto something – I wasn’t sure whether or not I had a catheter during the surgery, so, maybe.


The timing of this situation was interesting because just two days prior I had received a text from my electrician, “No house fire yet?” He followed up with, “The fire I was talking about was from your cooking not my electrical work.”


No house fire, yet. For now, I’m just an older adult blowing smoke.


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