
With her wee dog in tow and a ‘walktail’ in hand, Oper stopped by to learn a little bit about WordPress from me. I showed her the basics and assured her she would be an amazing webmaster. I then showed her Google Analytics and it was a good thing she was sitting down.


When she saw what Analytics could do for the average consumer she was quite pleased. When she saw how much my readership jumped from May 31st to June 7th she nearly fell off her chair. “Look, we’re drinking a little, so I don’t want you to think this is the alcohol talking, but,  yes, my readership more than quadrupled in eight days. Jumping from one reader to nineteen. Now you see why I continue to blog, it’s for the readers or, on some days, reader,” I told her. Once Oper stopped laughing, I continued on, “Business 101 might tell you to close your doors and count your losses, but None of Your Business 101 tells me to (Word) press on.”


We finished the bottle of wine, Oper’s dog took a dump on my lawn, I cut  her some fresh flowers to take home and then I hurried inside to write my blog – odds are at least one person might be reading.

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