Honey Don’t List

My electricity has been needing an update for some time. In fact, anyone who has really looked at or heard about what I’m currently working with has expressed concern. “I can’t believe how small your box is.” “What you’re describing to me sounds extremely dangerous.” “Did your lights just dim on their own?” “Can anyone else hear that buzzing sound?”


I got the name of an electrician from a friend and, on the day of the appointment, I forgot about it. Thus, when he arrived I was still in bed. I answered the door with my hair a mess, no bra and my pajamas on. He gave me a stellar bid for the work and then, as I spoke with him about other items in need of repair, he told me to make a ‘Honey Do’ list for him.


I thought he was joking until he sent a text to confirm the next appointment, and said, “Get your honey do list together….Don’t be ready!! It’ll make my day much more pleasing if you’re in the same outfit as when I first met ya!” I shared some of our exchange with Ice Cream Man and Sleepless who found it exciting and had concerns for my safety. “I bet he wants a honey do list from you. Honey do you,” Ice Cream Man quipped. “It’s funny how that works in the beginning of a relationship,” I said. “Once the relationship is a few years in it becomes a ‘Honey Don’t’ list. Honey, don’t do that. Honey, don’t tonight. Honey, don’t say that. No, seriously honey, don’t.”


When he showed up to update my box I was out of bed, showered and ready to go. He was a bit disappointed but carried on with his work. While doing so he told me, “You picked a hot day to mess with a box,” and “Size does matter.” Honey, don’t……

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