Made With Love With One Arm

Being that I have nothing but time and bruising on my hands (literally on my left hand), I’ve decided to catch up on all of the daily TV shows, sitcoms (most of which have been canceled and I can only get from the library), and movies I’ve never seen.


While watching, I decided I needed to do more than just sit (in three-five days this will be much easier when the mini stationary cycle I ordered rrives), thus, I’ve started a new product line: Made With Love With One Arm. I did a focus group with Sleepless and got some really valuable feedback: It might be too long of a name. We tried shortening it, MWLWOA, but didn’t like it, so we tried other names – Made With One Arm – but wondered, “Where is the Love?” So, I’m sticking with Made With Love With One Arm.


So far, I’ve made two items, both gifts, and I’m working on a third. Each item has taken me a several days and hours of  TV, sitcom and movie watching to make. Perhaps I should reconsider my product name: Made With Love With One Arm Over The Course Of Several Days While Watching Hours Of Mindless Madness. No, I don’t like the work ‘mindless.’ I think I’ll stick to my original plan. At this rate, I should be churning out one item a week. As they say, love is work (literally) and, clearly, takes time.

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