Not a banana

Upon arriving in Denver, Sleepless and I ventured toward the making room room. We were in our respective stalls sassing off about the posh amenities, specifically toilet paper AND a toilet paper dispenser, when the woman in the stall next to me started screaming, “Help, help me, I’m stuck, I can’t get out.” I had a feeling she was stuck before she said anything (I could see her feet dancing around like crazy in her stall – I figured she was either stuck or related to Larry Craig) and couldn’t walk on by without assisting. I pushed her door inward (apparently, she hadn’t tried pulling the door open) and saved her from herself.

Our first matter of business (second to the stall incident) was pedicures with Mary Jo. The best part about these pedicures was the company and the wine. Mary Jo suggested we frequent the restaurant below her salon for fondue and drinks with the owner. We followed her advice and met up with It Is Cheese for some of the most incredible Kaseschnitte I’ve ever had. We felt we owed it to Mary Jo to join us for drinks, so she did and gifted us a lovely bottle of champagne for morning mimosas. It Is Cheese made sure we had the best waiter on staff, his nephew, Go On…. Every now and again we would have questions about appetizers or other menu items and Go On…, who just recently moved to Colorado from Brussels, would tell us all about it. His accent was so fantastic we were hanging on his every word. Never before has Sleepless been so excited about learning!

We asked It Is Cheese the age of Go On…, “Just old enough for you, 27.” We asked if he had a girlfriend, “Not yet, tonight, perhaps. If you are lucky.” A little while later we were discussing our Kaseschnitte with It Is Cheese. Someone asked the ingredients and It Is Cheese replied, “It is not banana, it is cheese. I send bananas to my other guy. He makes it mushy.” We opted against asking for all of the mushy details.

Being that we ended up spending our entire afternoon in the proximity of Mary Jo and It Is Cheese’s businesses, we asked them for a photo. After It Is Cheese posed with us he commented, “My heart beating. Not, hard beating. I know what you think.” Shortly after that Go On… accidentally knocked over MyFace’s water. Both Go On… and It Is Cheese were quick to clean it up. “Oh my,” said It Is Cheese to MyFace and the rest of us still sitting at the table. “We are all wet here.”

Sleepless and I could not stop laughing about the various comments – even MyFace couldn’t keep a straight face once we were “all wet.” I decided I best start taking notes so I wouldn’t forget any of it. “She write everything down,” said It Is Cheese. “I knew it – you are police.”

A little later Sleepless was enjoying some of the Bauernteller when It Is Cheese threw one of the pickles over the fence. “It is going to grow a pickle tree. I want a pickle tree.” He then looked at Sleepless and asked, “What color pickle you want? White? Green Black?” “No thank you on the black,” said Sleepless. “It won’t fit, no room at the inn.” It Is Cheese looked at MyFace for a response to that comment, “I’ve got nothing to say,” said MyFace. “Me neither,” said It Is Cheese, “I am Swiss.”

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