(Audio) Book Club

I’ve never really been a fan of book club. This isn’t because I don’t like to read, I do, I just like to do it in my own time and with books I choose.


The other day I received an invitation to participate in a newly formed club – with people I know and like – and as soon as I saw the date I assumed I had a conflict. When I realized I didn’t have a conflict, I tried to create one. After that, I didn’t pay too much attention to the email exchange.


A week or so later I was riding to dinner with Sleepless, Ice Cream Man and their sisters when Ice Cream Man said, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” “I love that line. Have you gotten to that part yet?” Sleepless asked me. “That’s in a movie, right?” “It’s in our book club book,” she replied, slightly shocked. “Did we decide on a book?” I asked. “Yes we decided on a book – Perks of Being a Wallflower,” said Ice Cream Man’s sister and added, “You better start reading it. Do you know how hard it was to find a book with 200 pages or less?” “Why did you use that parameter?” I questioned her. “Because you said you wouldn’t read or participate unless the book was 200 pages or less!” she replied. “That makes sense,” I said and immediately begin searching my local library app for the book.


I couldn’t find a hardcover or paperback, but I did find the audio CD, and it is within my audio CD limit – let the reading (to me) begin!

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