Piss in Boots

Making up for lost time with Oreggano on her birthday, we spent all of Sunday with her – drinking, coloring our hair, and eating.


We started with mimosas and brunch at a restaurant within walking distance from my house. After that fine dining experience we returned to my house where our Kitchen Beautician awaited us. Attempting to pamper Oreggano in honor of her birth, I provided Kitchen Beautician the colors we needed for our hair. Unfortunately, I selected the wrong color for Oreggano. Nothing says ‘Happy Birthday’ like a friend coloring your hair, the wrong color.


Soon after that incident Sleepless announced she needed to eat. A block away, and across the street from our brunch restaurant, was a Japanese restaurant that Ice Cream Man loves. We called the restaurant, made a reservation, grabbed a bottle of wine and then walked over.



We took our places around the table, ordered some sushi, poured the wine and dug in. As Oreggano attempted to pass the soy sauce to Ice Cream Man she accidentally set it down to quick and it spilled all over him and the table. Our server, who had been ‘keeping an eye on us’ since we arrived, immediately brought us extra napkins to clean. Soon after that, Ice Cream mas was refilling Sleepless’ glass of wine when he missed the glass and poured it all over her napkin. Then, about 30 minutes before we left, Ice Cream Man bumped the bowl of tempura and the server quickly appeared with towels and napkins.


We eventually decided to retreat to my house, stepped out from the table and, as Oreggano attempted to walk away, one of her flip flops got stuck to the very sticky floor of the restaurant. She kept walking; her right flip flop stayed stuck. We did as we had been doing all day, started laughing hysterically. Despite the fact that our drinking and laughing had sparked a need for both Oreggano and Sleepless to pee, they opted to ‘hold it’ until we got back to my house.


We continued to laugh as we walked and Sleepless, holding her dress out a bit, asked for mercy, “Please, please, I have to pee.” A few minutes later, and only one house away from mine, the laughter ensued again and Sleepless pleaded with us, “Please stop or I’ll pee….again.” “Again?” I asked. It was then, when Sleepless quickly moved to the grass, that we saw the dribble of pee on the sidewalk. “Are you kidding me?” Ice Cream Man said. “I warned you when we left the restaurant,” Sleepless said in defense.


We hustled into my house and Sleepless scurried into the bathroom to ‘finish what she started’ and change into dry clothes. “I can’t believe I did that and how much I was still able to pee once we got home,” Sleepless said and then asked, “How do I clean pee out of cowboy boots?” Piss, in Boots. Classic.

2 thoughts on “Piss in Boots”

  1. I just woke up Ice Cream Man ROTFL’ing. Some days are just so special. I’m glad Oreggano only turns 29 once.

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