All Rights Reserved ©

A while back FatGirl sent Tree and I a copy of a book he is writing. On the cover, just after the title, he inserted the copyright symbol. “You cannot just put a ‘c’ in a circle and consider yourself copyrighted,” Tree told me. “No? What about a ‘TM’ at the end of everything? Or, even better, a ‘R’ in a circle?” I asked. “No,” he solidly replied. He should really consider registering that tone.


Later, as I thought about our conversation, I decided it might be fun to start copyrighting, all rights reserving, patenting, trademarking and registering almost all that I do.™ It won’t be official, not much that I do is, but I attempt to trademark it by wearing my best patent, yes, patent, leather shoes.©


I may not be able to able to put a square peg in a round hole but, thanks to word processing, I can put a ‘c’ in a circle. © ™ ®

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