Cabbies who counsel

Chauffeur and Cream Of Tartar have a very special relationship. They work together, play together, drink together and, on special occasions, smoke cigars together. When we couldn’t find them the other day I offered to look for them, followed the sound of the music, and found them smoking cigars and drinking just outside the garage.


As we chatted they both provided counsel and insight. “If I was a woman I would be a bisexual,” Chauffeur said. “And if you weren’t a woman?” I asked. “Follow your heart,” Cream Of Tartar advised.”You know, I don’t invite just anyone to our cabin. If you get invited you are family,” Chauffeur told me, referring to almost 18 months ago when I joined him, BioMom, Cream Of Tartar and Oreggano for a weekend in the woods.


I retreated to the rest of the group and Chauffeur soon followed, extending a cabin invitation to everyone. As I attempted to get more details from him he said, “Look, I don’t know. I’m just the Chauffeur and today she’s (BioMom) driving.”


He eventually returned to his post outside with Cream Of Tartar and MiniMe decided to join them. When she returned she shared the counsel she received, “I should be a lesbian; If I’m going to date men I need to be the alpha female; and I really need to ‘live a little’ until I’m older.”


There’s nothing quite like the counsel one receives from a cabbie – whether it be someone driving your cab or, in Chauffeur’s case – a bus, or if it is counsel your friends provide after drinking a lot of Cabernet Sauvignon – it is almost always very interesting counsel, thus, a second (sober) opinion is highly recommended.


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