Fruits and Flowers

Being the traditionalists we are, Oreggano (I’ll explain the name change later) and I decided to meet up with another couple on a special occasion – their four year anniversary. Although fruits and flowers are recommended for this commemorative moment, we thought our presence – paired with fruity, oaky wine – was the best anniversary gift they could ever receive. With the exception of their cozy suite, superb meal the night prior and amazing time together, I think we were spot on, maybe.


“This is our thing. Going on first dates and anniversary dinners with others. It’s what we do,” Oreggano told them while raising her wine glass in their honor. I raised mine at the same time and said, “Happy Anniversary!”


We soon left them to enjoy the rest of their anniversary without us. “We’ve really got to do this more often. It is quite divine,” Oreggano told me as we drove away. About 20 minutes later, the anniversary couple phoned us to let us know they would be like to meet up with us again. Looks like we are better than fruits and flowers.


Oh, and Oreggano, well it appears Sleepless and others are also traditionalists and really couldn’t get used to her name as Acehole. So, as a gift to them on this other couple’s anniversary, I’m changing it back to Oreggano.


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