
It seems a day, a week for sure, doesn’t go by without receiving the ‘Access Restricted/8e6ed’ message when I’m online at the office.


Most of the time this happens when I’m trying to get caught up on current events via theONION – America’s Finest News Source. Due to the ‘adult content’ of theONION, our office staff – clearly comprised of children (me included) – are not allowed to view this site. Thus, immediately upon attempting to view anything on theONION, an ‘8e6ed notification’ appears on our desktop.


When this first happened, I was amused. A few years later, this area woman is no longer laughing. Looks like my horoscope, which I was last able to check the week of August 3, 2010 , may be right, “The stars say that this week will be a time of reflective contemplation, so postpone your plans to rollerskate around naked except for the gas mask.” Naked rollerskating, 8e6ed.


Looks like I’ll just have to keep reading and


I find this incredibly frustrating because it is the only way I’m able to stay on top of Area Man’s activitie.

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