Last call

Area Man and I met up tonight to attend a barbecue at an alumni’s house. It’s been a while since we hung out and it has been even longer since Area Man has been out on the town, so he was in high demand.

Being that I had a prior commitment with Skiwi and Disco Dancing Dog Groomer, I could only stay at the barbeque for about an hour. Area Man, on the other hand, planned to stay the entire evening – the food was good, drinks were flowing and the company was outstanding.

Skiwi and Disco Dancing Dog Groomer welcomed me with a glass of wine and a lovely spread on the bistro. Skiwi was telling us about his bike ride (110 miles) today, when Disco Dancing Dog Groomer stated, “I’m the one that convinced him to go. I need him to go. I need my alone time.” Skiwi took this surprisingly well  and, a little while later when clearing the table, he held one of the plates to the window that read, “You Are Special.” He wanted to make sure Disco Dancing Dog Groomer truly understood how he felt.

Back at the barbecue (which I returned to after the bistro), the karaoke was exploding. By exploding, I mean about three people were taking their turns singing. Try Singing? was in town from the Bay area and brought the magic mic (from the Philippines) with him – so very cool in my opinion.  As the one o’clock hour approached, the home owner started shouting, “Last call, last call.” If you ever want to clear a room quick, just have some big, typsy bouncer/bartender type be present at the party and start yelling “Last call”, or just have that same guy fart.

4 thoughts on “Last call”

  1. Ahhh, she is special, isn’t she, and so are you – our most loyal Bistro guest! We always make sure your special table is available.

  2. Definitely love Pumpkin!!! It is my honor to be a guest at your Bistro and appreciate that you always have my special table available. Always lots of good things to see while sitting at that table!

  3. area man must chime in. for one of two reasons:

    a) to boast about my “high demand” status
    b) to ask, “how did we survive the last call drive?”

    I mean really… how?

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