Emotion Detector

After a lovely afternoon at the ballet, Sleepless, Beaner, Live Longer and I enjoyed a nice bottle of wine at my house. Not one to use a lot of lighting, I lit the candles. Being that this was not enough light for everyone, Sleepless attempted to dim the overhead light. “Doesn’t  your dimmer switch work?” she asked. “Yes, I’ve just got old electrical and sometimes it takes turning things completely on and off again to get them to work,” I explained and added, “I really need to get my electrical updated.”


“I need to get some electrical fixed too. My emotion detector isn’t working,” Live Longer told us, in all seriousness. “Your emotion detector?” I asked. “Yes. You know what that is, right?” she replied. “Yes, yes, I do. Mine isn’t working either, just ask MiniMe. She always tells me I have no emotions.” “I’m talking about the light with the sensor thing on it,” Live Longer clarified. “That’s a motion detector. Not emotion detector,” Sleepless laughed while providing clarification.


In the meantime, Beaner was busy assessing her glass of wine. Smelling, swirling and admiring her legs. “What do you mean legs?” Sleepless asked. Beaner explained the meaning behind wine legs and Sleepless took a close look at her glass. “Why can’t I see any legs?” she asked. “You’ve got the Oscar Pistorius blend,” I quipped. “Too soon?” Beaner asked. “Like I said, my emotion detector is broken. Anyone know a good electrician?” I replied.

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