Second in command

Not having played Boggle for at least a week, I was experiencing some withdrawals. Luckily, I received a text from The Leaver inviting me to join her and QuQueen for a game or two. Being that I was meeting up with Tree later, my time was limited – a factor that definitely increased the competitiveness. The game was going surprisingly well for everyone and The Leaver was actually finding words one could easily use in a sentence or find in a dictionary. During the last round, she pulled out the big guns with “shire”. We questioned her on the word and she informed us, with great confidence, “The shire is second in command to the kingdom.” Both QuQueen and I told her that was not true. QuQueen quickly googled “shire” and informed The Leaver it is a traditional word for a division of land found in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. “I told you. Second in command, division of land in England – exactly the same.”


As hard it was to leave the comedic conversations with The Leaver and QuQueen, I knew Tree and I had big plans to hang on the stoop and drink wine so I hurried home. Tree had loads of stories to share with me and, as he shared them, we started talking about relationship dynamics. “It’s my mom’s fault none of my relationships work,” said Tree. “She always had cats, never dogs. I wanted to love the cats and they never wanted anything to do with me. They wanted me to love and feed them and they never reciprocated. Dogs on the other hand, they love you back. If I’d had a dog as a kid I wouldn’t have these problems.” Even as an adult, Tree still wants a cat for a pet and is holding out for the right Dolores. So cute.


My wheels started turning as we continued to talk about life, love and catlessness, so I suggested Tree and I make like lesbians on a second date and move in together – he’s going to consider it. I can pretty much guarantee that if we lived together we would have really, really, really good music playing all of the time.

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