Bad picker

It isn’t uncommon for my friends and I to discuss relationships. Typically, we’ll talk about everybody else’s relationships, but every now and again we’ll talk about our relationships. Or, in the case of Tree and I, our lack of.


This can become a rather deep conversation at times and, as a result of a lot of analysis, I’ve got some opinions about it. “My gut is pretty spot on when it comes to people and relationships,” I told Oreggano. “That is true,” she replied. “Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I choose not to listen to it whenever the situation might cause a lot of problems or pain.” “Spot on, as usual,” Oreggano replied.


Live Longer stopped by a few minutes into our conversation and advised, “I think you’ve just got a  bad picker.” A bad picker. Hmmm. She may be onto something. Anyone know of a good picker fixer?

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