Cape or two

It’s that time of year again when I not only have to wake up, I have to get up, and be out the door by 7 AM – something I usually only do to catch a flight or avoid a walk of shame.


Even with the snow, I’ve managed do so somewhat gracefully going on three days. Today I arrived at work to see a man who, at first, second and every glance, I thought was Luciano Pavarotti; the main distinguishing feature being that this man was alive. Like Pavarotti, he was big-boned, had curly dark hair, a beard, a bow-tie, tuxedo vest, and dress pants. Try as I might, I could not get his photo. “He seems like the kind of guy who would be willing to pose for a photo for you,” my coworker told me. “Good point. I hope he is here throughout the session – I’m looking forward to seeing his outfit of the day,” I replied. “Don’t be surprised if his most common accessory is a cape. That guy definitely has a cape or two in his closet,” quipped my coworker.


I think my coworker may be on to something and I may need to be a little more swift with my camera.



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