
Bruiser loves a good party and with her day of birth upon her she decided it would be a good opportunity to bring a group of her friends together. Most of her friends are in relationships – me, On My Terms and LaLa Lovely excluded. On My Terms and I committed to attend, however, LaLa Lovely wasn’t as comfortable with the grouping. When Bruiser advised her On My Terms and I would be attending sans date/partner, she replied, “Well they’re OK with being single.” If that’s the vibe others are picking up, that may be why we are still single.


The day of the party, On My Terms sent me a text stating she wouldn’t be able to attend. Thus, I attended the couples party totally solo – the epitome of single.


Being that Bruiser wasn’t the only ‘old’ one at the party, she started it at 5 so that guests could head home around 9. Although still in the ‘old’ category, the solo girl has a tendency to stay the night. This happens often enough that Bruiser keeps a toothbrush there for me and a bed ready.


Prior, however, to everyone heading home and us calling it a night, we decided to pull out the board games. Bruiser’s favorite is Guesstures, so we started with that. Her husband is quite good at the game and did a great job getting his team to guess each card – especially the card that read ‘painting.’ Unfortunately, however, when we took a good look at the card, we realized it actually read ‘panting.’ We let him have the point because he was actually panting while painting due to the excitement of the game.


When it was our turn to provide clues one of the cards read waxing. The clue giver pointed to her crotch and someone immediately screamed out ‘waxing.’ The guys were mesmerized by the immediate guess and decided we should use that clue for everything. So, when it was their turn, they did, however nobody guessed the card. Now that we all know it, however, it makes sense that pointing to one’s crotch, while painting, is clue for wigwam.

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