What to wear….

Attire is often a very important consideration. Whether traveling, working, karaoke-ing, lounging or gardening I put great thought into what I might wear.


I am not alone. Ice Cream Man is also very keen on proper wardrobe selections. Thus, when MiniMe and I arrived home from Paris, he greeted us at the airport in an incredible fashion: donning acid washed denim (pants and jacket); a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt; a red, white and blue head/sweatband with mullet hair attached; and holding a posterboard sign that read, ‘It is finally 2013. Will you go to prom with this guy?’ I, of course, was surprised (shouldn’t have been based on how many times Sleepless and I have done something similar to him), flattered and impressed. Ice Cream Man clearly knows what to wear, and where, for that matter.


Later, as I caught up with Sleepless and Ice Cream Man, he advised us he missed “getting ready to go to work,” now that he is an entrepreneur.  “Maybe you could put on a suit and work at the park tomorrow,” I suggested. “I’m not a writer,” he quickly replied. “Writers work in suits at the park?” I inquired and added, “Looks like I have a suit to buy.”



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