Racing for pinks

Yesterday was the last day with Little Man. We stopped at IKEA a few times while he was here and his purchases prevented him from taking the bus or shuttle home, so I drove him. He doesn’t live too far – depending on the time of day, he lives anywhere from 3 1/2 -4 1/2 hours. Round trip, 7-9 hours. Woot! I love road trips!

I grabbed a box of Cinnamon Life, a pillow and blankets,  a slew of CDs and we made our way to 7/11 for Slurpees (pina colada and banana for me please) and a Big Gulp for Little Man. We didn’t stop again for several hundred miles, during which time I introduced Little Man to my all-time favorite driving activity, caraoke.

Caraoke is simple. You start by finding any object in the vehicle that can act as a microphone – cell phones, water bottles, garlic presses, etc. Little Man and I opted for the cell phone car chargers. Once these are in hand, you can either pop a CD in the drive, pull out your favorite ’80s mix cassette tape, or find a random song on the radio and start singing. The Carpenters was our first musical choice and it was fantastic. Little Man and I were in sync – throwing down the wrong lyrics line after line. It was magical.

By the time we reached his house, we had moved on to more recent artists, such as Just Jack and Scouting for Girls. It really doesn’t get any better than this musical selection; that is, until I was driving back home alone and decided to throw some Motley Crue in the mix. This decision was class! Nothing beats an empty freeway in the middle of the dessert and Kick Start My Heart booming out of the speakers. Somehow, speed increases with each verse and before you know it, you’re home and doing online research to find out what it takes to become a NASCAR driver. Simple really. Slim, toned, ability to speak in front of a camera. I’m changing my name to Slim, going to the tanning bed for some good skin tone and pulling out my webcam. It’s on and I’m racing for pinks.

2 thoughts on “Racing for pinks”

  1. loved the careoke… it was so much fun… this is little man by the way… i know we had troubles with the last name.. but i really do miss you guys allot and hope to see you guys again soon…. have fun on your trip… love you soooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!

  2. Little Man, I always recognize you! Had a ton of fun with you and having a fabulous time in New York. You would love Yummm-ika.

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