Stella’s mullet

Little Man and I decided to go to a baseball game today. We didn’t stay the whole game, just long enough to enjoy a few HRs, RBIs and JPGs. As we were leaving, we saw a woman in a horizontal striped tube dress that accentuated all of her bits, wobbly and otherwise. Little Man commented, “Kim Kardashian.” I corrected him, Kim KardASSian.”

Immediately following the game we went to the drive-in with The Leaver, QuQueen and their crew. The Leaver and QuQueen had two little crew members under a blanket in the back and a dog that they asked Little Man to hide once we arrived at the pay station. The little people in the back wanted us to use a code word as soon as we pulled into the drive-in. To stay under the radar, we opted for “Stella’s mullet.” So, as we approached, we Stella’s mulleted them. Managed to clear the pay station with them undetected. It is amazing what a good IKEA quasi-mattress will do for you. Drive-in today, border tomorrow.

As the movie began, Little Man and I knew we were in for a treat. The Leaver and QuQueen were providing a lot of commentary. Early in the film, one of the actresses proclaimed, “This isn’t my first rodeo.” The Leaver could not believe this, “Oh my God, that is unbelievable! She used my line!” Mid-way through the movie, Little Man informed me he needed to pee. I asked if he could hold it until the end. He advised me could not and would pee in a cup. A few minutes later complete mayhem ensued in the Jeep. Little Man opted to attempt to pee in a cup in the front seat of the Jeep. Once QuQueen learned of Little Man’s intentions she provided sound advice, “No, honey, don’t do that.” “But I have to go,” retorted Little Man. “Alright but make it quick and don’t get it anywhere.” Little Man returned to his spot next to me, and stated, “Mission not completed.” Good one, primarily because we were watching a Tom Cruise film.

As we were driving home the little crew members resumed their positions (although we didn’t require them to cover up with the mattress). One of the little crew members was complaining about not knowing when we were coming up on a stoplight. I asked if he remembered the code word and he did, so the rest of the way home we Stella’s mulleted them.

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