No cash

The other day I arrived home to find someone had pulled my rubbish bins in from the street, pulled my gate shut, and placed my pruners on a bench outside my back door. I asked several people if they were party to this and all said no. After being home a few hours I stepped outside to throw something in a bin and discovered it and the other bins were full – they were pulled in prior to being emptied by the city. This took the suspicious level up a notch.


A few days later, I stopped by a friend’s place to ‘get my hair done.’ The next morning (real morning for me – before 8 AM), as I did the drive of shame through my neighborhood, I noticed a man sitting on my rock wall. I got closer and realized it was TooStalky.


“How you doing?” he asked, emphasizing the ‘ing,’ as usual. “Fine. What are you doing?” I replied. “Waiting to work at your neighbor. When this finish (points to the leaves on my tree) I come back and clean up the rest, maybe mow your lawn,” he told me. “Clean up the rest?” I asked. “I rake leaves for you the other day. Front yard, back yard. You give me some money?” Mystery solved – makes so much sense, I can’t believe I didn’t think of him right away. “I didn’t know you did, didn’t ask you to, and don’t have any money on me,” I said. “Come on, you always have money. Just give me a little bit.” “Not today,” I replied.


I could see why someone may think I would have cash on me. Although I wasn’t in my heather grays, I was returning home early in the morning, hair ‘styled,’ coat buttoned all the way, wearing tights and high heel boots – kind of suspect. Despite how things may have looked, I still had no cash. As hard as it is for a pimp out there, it’s even harder for someone who just wants their hair styled every now and again.

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