Don’t Mind If I Muu

With the day of all feasts upon us, Live Longer and I decided it would be a good idea to have muumuus set aside, just in case we needed them.


Thus, I grabbed a couple of my muumuus, threw them in the bag with the heavy whipped cream, brandy, port, wine, pies and cheesecake and headed to her house.


As we finished the main course, and we were just about to pull out desserts and our muumuus, Oper arrived – in a muumuu. “I had to wear it today. It makes things so much easier,” she told us while slicing a piece of apple pie, throwing a dollop of whipped cream on it and then filling her wine glass.


Following her lead, Live Longer, Big Bounty and I put on my muumuus. “This is absolutely fantastic,” Big Bounty exclaimed. “You may never get that back,” Live Longer told me.


We continued to enjoy dessert and then, a few hours after we had eaten dinner, we enjoyed dinner again. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if you didn’t eat it twice in one night. And, there’s no point in wearing a muumuu if you’re not going to put it to the test.


The second test we put it to was Black Friday shopping – no point in being all dressed up with nowhere to go. So, we paired our muumuus with some incredibly comfortable, but not entirely stylish, house slippers and headed to the store.


At some point we got separated – you know you’re a confident woman when you’ll walk around the store by yourself in a muumuu and house slippers. At one point, Live Longer got tired and sat in a wheelchair to get some rest. “Nice dress,” one of the patrons told her. “It’s a muumuu,” she schooled them.


Once we found each other, we decided to take a seat on some of the furniture they were selling and peruse the ad. “When I was in the wheelchair it seemed griddles were the big item,” Live Longer told me. A sales associate approached us and asked if there was something she could help us find. “No. I think we just drank a lot and decided to come here,” Live Longer advised her. “We’re just here to people watch,” I added. People watch and be people watched. “Some girl in pajama bottoms looked me over. Can you believe that?” Live Longer said. “No. Takes a lot of gall. Muumuus are way more fashionable,” I consoled her.


Once we decided to get up and walk around again a customer said to us, “I thought those were robes, but they’re muumuus. My mother wears a muumuu; she’s 70.” “They’re fantastic, very comfortable and fit everybody,” Live Longer replied. The woman gave us another once over, looked around her immediate area and said, “Not everybody.”


Whether they fit everybody or not, they were very fitting for us last night and may become ourĀ  new go-to outfit. That said, hope you don’t mind if I muu.

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