Last (on)Call

I met with my boss the other day to discuss a recently proposed on-call policy prohibiting any alcohol consumption. “Not a lot of wiggle room,” he told me. “Not at all,” I replied. “What do you do now?” he asked. “I get super drunk and hope nobody calls me,” I replied.


Policies are interesting. A while back I was discussing telecommuting with a supervisor and he said, “I’m fine with someone telecommuting because they’re getting carpet installed or someone is working on their house, but if they want to telecommute just so they can work from home in their pajamas, that’s not OK.” That sounds about as off-base as this comment from a coworker, “I’m planning on telecommuting tomorrow, but if it snows I won’t be able to plant my rose bushes.”


Today, as we were working late to finish a holiday decorations memo for staff, I asked a coworker, “Do you work four tens?” “I’m just here late sometimes,” he replied. “Me too, but usually in the morning, not at night,” I said, then looked at the clock and added, “I best get out of here before the on-call policy changes – don’t want to miss last call.”



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