Plans find us

Little Man and I started the day off right:  he with World Cup Soccer Cap N’ Crunch and me with yogurt, raspberries, strawberries  (one was from my garden – not two, not three, just one strawberry – that’s  all I’ve got) and oatmeal. After taking pictures of our very own Farmer’s Market products, we thought it might be nice to watch the first two Twilight movies. It was about this time when OregganO called and asked if we would like to grab a coffee. Silly question, of course we would!

While I was getting ready, OregganO and Little Man had a chance to get to know each other. OregganO asked Little Man if we had any plans for the day.  Little Man smartly responded, “We don’t make plans. Plans find us.”

Being that Little Man introduced me to the bubble tea, I thought it might be best if we went to a coffee shop with bubble tea as well. Sadly, that shop was closed today. Instead, we went to another favorite shop. The staff were well trained and  swiftly upsold us on the lunch concept. We took our meals outside and watched the ongoings at the food pantry across the way. OregganO and I have observed this before, from this same location, and it is an interesting thing to see. Little Man was shocked by the people who rolled up in Escalades, Range Rovers, and other high-end automobiles and then loaded the free food into the trunks of their cars. Instead of being shocked or upset, OregganO and I appreciate knowing we have a place to grocery shop should we ever leave our ethics at home.

While eating, OregganO and I were discussing recent burglaries in my neighborhood. Just last week, OregganO’s friend’s door was kicked in – in broad daylight. Apparently this friend is now working in Switzerland for the next four months. I asked OregganO what type of work she does and OregganO nonchalantly replied, “STDs.” It was obvious Little Man was shocked and trying to make sense of this response. Always one to care, I tried to help out, “STDs, she is giving them out for the next four months. Free.” “Really?” asked Little Man.  No, not really.

Later in the day we met up with BeCuz and Anime Activist to watch “Eclipse”. Luckily, I sat between BeCuz and Little Man, so I was able to receive background and current day information about the characters and books throughout the movie. BeCuz and I opted to buy drinks and popcorn and very much appreciated the smokin’ coupon deal that presented itself to us.

Immediately after “Eclipse”, we met up with Sleepless and went to a ReAL game. They won, of course and we decided we were in the mood for chocolate cake so we headed to a local crab shack. We were ordering drinks and I was reading the descriptions to Sleepless when I ran across one that read, “Pink pick-me-up”. I advised Sleepless we may have to change her name, and soon! We then threw on our bibs, got a much food on them as we could and then ordered two desserts to shut the night down. It was perfect and, plans found us, a couple of times at that!

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