Who invited Athena?

Girls can be pretty catty, so I consider myself quite fortunate that I have so many amazing female friends. In fact, I was just telling this to Nude Model at lunch while catching up. “I have a really great group of friends – really great. We’re not catty. If we have an issue we deal with it….or Oreggano and I deal with it. And, to top it off, we’re all hot,” I told him. “I can see that,” he replied.


So when Live Longer suggested a bunch of us go to New York for the weekend, we (Beaner, Oreggano, Sleepless, Big Bounty and I) were all over it. We made our reservations, several of us arriving and departing at different times, and started planning. Drag clubs, pubs, parks, Turkish baths, we intended to do as much as New York had to offer. Then, it hit. Hurricane Sandy.


Not to fret, she was in and out of there like a bad one-night stand – leaving New York in the dark with nothing but questions, injuries, diseases, and a lot to clean up.


One week later, just days away from our departure date, Athena decided to stop by. Athena, really? This may sound catty, but who invited her? Not to be upstaged by Sandy, she threatened to do some major damage. New York City, not wanting to experience what they did with Sandy, took precautions. As a result, our flight was canceled and rescheduled – twice. Beaner was starting to get anxious and wondered if we should reschedule. Live Longer and I poured a glass (or two) of wine, enjoyed the hold music, and took our chances with several airline representatives until we had new reservations, departing almost 12 hours later than planned – allowing us to sleep in a bit and spend more time in the Sky Club. So watch out NYC, because Seismic Six is about to hit!

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