Family Affair

It has been forever since I’ve seen Mini Sparkle Donut’s brother, so the two of us decided to grab lunch. Lunch started the way it should with anyone who hasn’t seen each other for some time (anywhere from two weeks to ten years or more). As I was a few blocks from the restaurant, I saw him standing outside. Our eyes met, we smiled, and started an open-armed, slow and dramatic run toward each other, embracing each other warmly upon contact. This scene is good for both onlookers and the parties directly involved.


While at lunch we caught up on family, relationships, current events, spank banks, and all of the other standard topics discussed with friends. “The last time I saw you was when you rearended my mom and I in the Avenues,” he told me. “I did? Shit. I wonder whose car I was driving,” I replied and asked, “Why did I do that?” “To get our attention.” “Guess it worked,” I said.


Being that we had such a good time at lunch, and that it had been so long since we’d been together, we opted to keep the momentum going and stop at a coffee shop for more time together.  We continued to discuss current events and I told him about the art class I take with Sleepless and others. “If you ever need a nude model, let me know. I’ve got Adamesque abs and woman legs,” he told me. “I have a feeling the girls might like that idea,” I replied.


After several hours together, we parted ways, but not without a proper goodbye. “I’m so glad I got to see you,” I told him as we hugged. “I’m glad I got to see you too. You’ve always been like a sister to me – the kind you want to have an incestuous relationship with,” he replied. I giggled, kissed him goodbye, and told him I looked forward to seeing him again soon, preferably nude, at the art class.

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