How long you beed here?

I didn’t get around to blogging last night – I’m very sorry. I did attempt to do so, but kept falling asleep. Probably exhausted from the night before – outdoor speaker shopping and trunk hopping activities take their toll on you.

Skiwi is always one for a deal and two nights ago he found a pair of brand new (1980 circa) Altec-Lansing speakers for $10. The seller lived in a city approximately 45 minutes away and spending the money to retrieve the speakers would lessen the value of the deal, so Skiwi asked me if I would be heading that way any time soon. I wasn’t, but I knew a few people who lived out in them there parts and made a call to one of them. Within about 30 minutes my transporter had retrieved the speakers, however, Skiwi had to wait until yesterday to receive them. Several of my friends thought this whole interaction was strange. I find it relatively normal, especially when ‘dealing’ with Skiwi.

What I do find strange is what I witnessed on the way home. I was approximately five minutes from my house when I saw a man standing on the East side of the ride and a vehicle pulled over, on the West side of the road, with the trunk open. As soon as I drove by, the man ran across the street, hopped in the back of the open trunk, pulled it shut, the driver threw it into park and headed South.

Today, not so strange. I picked up Little Man from the bus stop and we began the adventure! After a lovely lunch with Q, we headed to the dealership to get my plates and meet with Pullout Couch. Pullout Couch enjoys telling his staff I am his ex-wife. Today, as soon as we approached him, he told two of his staff, “This is my ex-wife.” Then said to me, “I haven’t seen you forever. What are you doing here?” I replied, “I wanted to introduce you to your son.”

After that knee-slapping comedic moment, we commandeered his computer for a bit, rearranged his furniture and then headed to IKEA. Little Man has never been there and he loved it! As we were leaving IKEA, which is in a very, very distant town from where I call home, we decided to drive by my old stomping grounds on the West side (not the same West side as the man in the trunk). While in the ‘burbs, we saw a lemonade stand. Always one to support local business, I opted to purchase two cups. Most expensive lemonade stand lemonade I have ever had: $1 for two (with tip, $2). As Little Man put it, “Even in this recession, the rich are getting richer.”

We then made our way to play Boggle with The Leaver and QuQueen. Prior to arriving I warned Little Man of their Boggle ways. Right away, The Leaver wowed us with her word magic. Little Man, QuQueen and I had all read our list of words when The Leaver proudly proclaimed, “I have what everyone else had, but I also have a very special word: tegrow.” We, of course, questioned her on the word. “It is a wine, or, like a place that makes wine.”

A few minutes later, QuQueen had her time to shine. “Does anyone have ‘beed’?” No, because it is not a word. Even The Leaver, the word crafter, was questioning this word. We challenged QuQueen to use it in a sentence and she wasted no time doing so, “How long you beed here?” I hadn’t beed there long enough, nor had I had any tegrow wine, so I disputed both words.

4 thoughts on “How long you beed here?”

  1. I was talking about the “other” beed. Wow, I beed for a long time. Those Super Big Gulps run right through me.

  2. Oh, yes, the other beed – definitely not good for the bladder. Reminds me of that other word you mentioned. What was it???? Ah, aped. You know, as in, “Going and getting aped.”

  3. Grigio, the new speakers have been installed in the “Garden” zone and they sound terrific! Thank you for facilitating the transfer. You’re as good as Fedex! Come over for a glass of grape juice soon!

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