Lost and Found

Within minutes of realizing Ice Cream Man didn’t record my snoring and, more importantly, his phone was missing, we had checked the entire house, his car and called the cab company. “Is it possible that it fell on the ground when we exited the cab?” I asked. “Maybe,” he replied sullenly.


I immediately called Live Longer to ask her to check the street. I would have put the message out to the cyber world, but she probably would have just ‘liked’ it. “I think I see something in the leaves. Any chance it has a black case?” she asked. “Yes, yes,” I said excitedly. “Oh wait, there is a blue cab coupon on it. Would that be his?” she asked. “That would for sure be his,” I told her. One item found, several more to go.


We decided the best way to find Sleepless’ hand sanitizer, my keys and any other items we’d left behind, was to get out there and start looking, right after we had brunch. As we walked to the car we made our first discovery, only it wasn’t ours and it wasn’t legal. On the sidewalk was a small bag with a white substance inside. “Pretty sure that’s cocaine,” I told Sleepless and Ice Cream Man. “Somebody’s going to be pretty mad about losing that,” Sleepless said. If anyone could empathize about losing things, we could.


We met Live Longer for breakfast, told her about our drug find, and she said, “A lot of weird things out there. I found a bottle of hand sanitizer when I was looking for the phone. “You did?!?!” Sleepless couldn’t contain herself. “That’s mine! I can’t believe you found it. Did you bring it?” “No, I left it on the rocks,” Live Longer replied.


Also on the rocks, were our Bloody Marys. After a night like ours – hitting the floor, walking for miles (one anyway), hypothermia, snoring from various orifices, and losing everything but our virginity (we lost that years ago) – we needed a drink. After a drink, maybe two, we continued on our journey to find things. Sadly, the camera battery and lipliner were lost forever. The keys, however, were found. Four out of six items found, especially considering the circumstances, were pretty good odds. Add to that the finding of something we didn’t lose, put us at a nearly 90% return rate. Good odds for sure.

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