Am I Being Paranoid?

I’m not one who is superstitious or believes things happen for a reason. I do, however, believe in good music.


A while back I called That’s Not Chinese and, instead of a ring tone, I received an automated message suggesting I enjoy the music while my party was reached. When That’s Not Chinese finally answered I thanked her for the lovely song and asked if she got a lot of hang ups. “Why would I get hang ups?” she asked. “Either because people are just calling to listen to that song or they can’t stand listening to the song,” I advised her.


I’m not sure what people did before ringback tones and hold music. I’m the first to admit that there are times when I’m actually disappointed to be taken off of hold because I’m enjoying the music so much. Today, however, I changed my tune – literally.


I called a local mental health provider and, after speaking with the receptionist for a minute, she placed me on hold. It didn’t take long for me to tune into the lyrics of the hold music, “If you could be so kind to help me find my mind,” “Did I hear that right?” I thought to myself. The song continued, “…I lost my mind.” “Yep,” I confirmed aloud, quickly realized I was talking to myself, and then thought to myself, “Am I being paranoid?” Maybe. Or, maybe, just like on American Idol, somebody made a poor song choice.

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