Serial Monogamist

My friend is a serial monogamist. Last year, she ended a relationship, in which she was monogamist and her beau wasn’t, after having been in it for three decades. Three decades. That’s how long I have to work to be able to retire with full benefits. I’m not sure I can do it – 1) it seems like a lifetime and 2) I’m always trying to find  a way out or around it.


For my friend, ending the relationship was not like retiring, rather, it was like being laid off. No benefits, no pension. Just debt and the question, “Now what?” Her answer – online dating. This is not something I’ve dared or wanted to do. Sleepless and I have discussed me doing it so that we could make a reality TV show about it, but beyond that it has been something I’d do.


Fortunately, for my friend, online dating was fruitful for her, right away – she didn’t even have to date more than one guy. She met someone, started seeing him and, almost one year later, is still with him. “But I’m bored,” she advised me and added, “I really don’t think he is the one for me. Nice guy, but not the one. I want to end it, but I don’t really want to be alone. So, I’m hoping to have another prospect lined up soon. I’m not saying I would cheat on him – I would never do that. I just want to know that I’ll have an option when I end this. I’m a serial monogamist.” “I get it. I know a few other people just like you. They don’t cheat, but like a job, they’ve got another one lined up before terminating the current,” I replied. “Exactly,” she replied, looked around the restaurant and said, “Looks like he and I will be together at least one more night.”

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