Straight and appreciate

While enjoying an evening with friends, food and wine, we did what most do when they get together – talked about others. As we discussed people who often lack social skills, Live Longer told us about someone she knows who regularly struggles socially. “I kind of wonder if it because she is really a lesbian who hasn’t yet come out of the closet yet,” Live Longer pondered aloud. “So maybe not being able to be open about her sexuality causes her social problems?” I asked. “Yeah, either that or she is autistic,” Live Longer replied. “So she is either lesbian or autistic? That is awesome,” Oreggano quipped. “We always play the ‘gay, foreign, mormon’ game, we’ll have to add another category, ‘gay, foreign, mormon, autistic,'” I said. “Sorry, that’s not what I meant. I’m an asshole,” Live Longer told us. She and I have so much in common.


A little later, Bitchin’ Camaro decided to provide Kitchen Beautician a compliment, “I realize I may sound like an autistic lesbian, but you’ve got great lips.” “Thank you,” Kitchen Beautician said while giggling with her great lips. “Nothing wrong with that,” Bruiser said and added, “You can be straight and appreciate.” “I’m an asshole,” Live Longer said and took another sip of wine. I love Live Longer because, 1) she is hilarious and 2) I can be straight and appreciate.

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