Party Planners

As of late, Oreggano and I have been in the business of planning parties. We feel can officially announce this because we have successfully planned and implemented two parties in this last week.


The first was a brunch which was both well prepared and well attended. Oreggano went all out on the decorations – to include decorating the cups and pitchers. “I don’t know what is happening to me,” she told MiniMe and I. “I’m getting all mother fuckin’ crafty.” She and Martha Stewart could definitely kick it in jail well together.


Our second big event was the Bachelorette Bash for Sleepless. We knew simple was best, so we arranged for a motorhome, driver, welcome on a marquee and a reserved section at our favorite karaoke bar. We had a few ideas for places to continue the party, but figured we would play it by ear.


As we decorated the motorhome, we humbly discussed how amazing we are at planning parties. “We’re fuckin’ good. We should really do this professionally,” Oreggano suggested. “Good idea. I think I’ll have to quit my job to do it – it keeps getting in the way of our fun and our real job – party planning,” I replied. Once we finished decorating the motorhome we stood back to admire the goodness.  On the front window, “Y + D = PARTY!” On the back, “Just about to be married.” Then, on the other windows, “Ready for the alter(ed) state of mind,” “Bride to be,” I DO….but not tonight,” and “If this coach is rockin’, please come a ‘knockin’.”


“I want to be this on facebook so bad, but we can’t. That would ruin the surprise part of the party,” Oreggano said – spoken like a true party planner. We don’t ruin parties, we make them happen and, happen, it did.

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