You know, the sword

Reading the headlines is one of my favorite pastimes. Every now and again, I’ll take it a step further and actually read the article. Taking that extra step this week has proven to be a wonderful gift.


As I read about a recent SWAT situation – a very serious situation that requires one to wear the appropriate attire (for safety), I couldn’t help but giggle when I read this line about the suspect, “He was eventually arrested wearing an orange sequined dress.” Like I said, appropriate attire is essential. I shared this with a friend who replied, “It looked more like raspberry than orange to me…kudos for having some brilliant fashion sense in his big media moment.” My other friend quipped, “Fashion police 1, fashion victim 0. Your move.”


This article peaked my interest, so I kept reading; another good move on my part because I found this gem about a woman who got in a scuffle at a bar, “…the 31-year-old woman appeared to have consumed too much alcohol. She was wearing a leopard-print dress and red heels.” The Responsible One posed a very good question to me, “Do you think those two have the same stylist?” I assume that’s possible and wonder what shoes the man was wearing with the orange sequined dress. We both felt that, in the future, it might be best for both of them to avoid the scuffle, keep the dress, and try the shuffle (which may require more sensible shoes).


The last article I read involved a burglar who got caught because he approached the responding police vehicle and said, “Hey fellers. I need some help.” He went on to tell them he witnessed a burglary and showed them some items in his backpack – items that just happened to be reported stolen in a recent burglary.  The only thing missing from his backpack was the stolen sword. The officers asked him about it and he claimed to have no knowledge. The officer then put his investigative skills to work with this phrase, “You know, the sword.” The burglar caved. Unfortunately, the article made no mention of his attire.



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