…get a map.

This afternoon I went to dance class with Sleepless. Prior to arriving at class she had spent the afternoon poolside sipping on spirits. Class was small today, only five of us, including the instructor, Juicy PSI. As we would “make our own movement,” the majority of the class (yes, four of us) would dance together near the center of the dance floor. Not Sleepless. She would dance around the outskirts of the dance floor, not a care in the world. When I would approach her, she would giggle and whisper, “I’m mildly drunk.”

After class we retreated to my house to prepare for a neighborhood party. My neighbors live down the street (in my old neck of the woods) and are moving away, thus, had a party. I invited Sleepless to attend the party with me and warned her that Quagmire the Farting Ventriloquist may be in attendance. She felt it would be a good idea if we made t-shirts with “sweeping” slogans on them. So, we grabbed our markers and made personalized t-shirts. Her shirt read, “Clean Sweep.” Mine, “Spins and Rotates.” If nothing else, we thought we were funny.

After making an appearance at the party we reunited with Juicy PSI for dinner. Upon entering the restaurant I was surprised to see my Italian instructor, That’s Not Italian, eating dinner and rubbing the leg of a very young, not Italian, man. It reminded me of one of my favorite children’s books, Miss Nelson is Missing. Teachers aren’t supposed to do “normal” life activity, so it is odd when you see them do just that.

Once the shock of seeing That’s Not Italian wore off, we began talking about my recent adventures in Europe. Juicy PSI informed us she has an opportunity to go to Paris for $900 – airfare and lodging. We told her that was an incredible deal and she should absolutely do it. She stated she can’t because she already has plans to go to Boulder (Colorado) for a week. A few minutes later I was telling her how I had taken the bus from Amsterdam to Paris. “You can take the bus?” asked Juicy PSI. “I had no idea, I’m going to have to get a map.” Sleepless and I gave each other the “What did she just say?” look and I responded, “A map? To see what? How to get from Boulder to Paris?” She’ll probably need more than a map.

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