Running to the food

A while back I was at a conference and, while eating lunch, an attendee asked if I was a runner. I found the question quite comical. Runner? Me? As I’ve said before, I only run if I’m being chased or, like YummYummy, I’ll run after the ice cream truck. I was sharing this story with someone later and asked, “Why would he ask me that?” “Maybe it was because of the amount of carbs you were consuming.” Good point.


Today, while at a summit, the man sitting next to me brought a couple of plates of food to the table, “I got some food for our table. Have at it.” “What is that?” I asked pointing to a dip. “Yogurt with mint. I dare you to try it,” he replied. “Have we met?” I asked him. “No, actually,” he said and introduced himself. “You’re probably better off not daring me to eat,” I advised him and added, “I’ll eat pretty much anything.”


As we ate, one of the presenters said something of great wisdom, “I always judge the quality of an event by the quality of the food.” I looked at the guy sitting next to me and gave him the ‘mmm hmm’ nod. A few minutes later, he asked me a question about something one of the speakers said. I answered the question and, during the next break, he asked me, “Have you ever seen this photo app?” “No,” I said, looked at his phone and saw a photo of me. “I’ll delete it,” he said. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have ran from the dip – the one on the plate and the one sitting next to me.

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