
This afternoon I joined BeCuz and her family for some pool time. We pretty much had the pool to ourselves, so I suggested we do Noodle Contests. We each grabbed a noodle and prepared for the first competition: making your way across the pool as fast as you could with the noodle as your motor, per say.


BeCuz opted for the sideways straddle, Anime Activist wrapped his around his back and I attempted an under the arm tactic. Anime Activist won. Being slightly competitive (which is completely situational – I have a lot of confidence in my noodle skills), I suggested we try it again, using a different noodle method. BeCuz and Anime Activist both tried my previous method. I straddled the noodle and did what we affectionately referred to as “jerking the noodle,” for extra speed. This kicked off a slew of noodle comments: “You can’t have that many noodles all at once,” “Quit pulling my noodle,” “Should I be concerned about these holes on my noodle?” and, when Anime Activist was teaching BeCuz to blow water through the noodle, “Don’t suck, just blow.” Who knew pool noodles could be so much fun?


Later in the day Tree and FatGirl stopped by for drinks. We decided to walk down to the park (yes, the same one mentioned just a few days ago) so Tree could walk on the ground near the swings (amazingly soft and slightly cushioned). FatGirl was extremely excited about the swings and offered to push both Tree and I. Tree respectfully declined, “My feet drag as it is.” I asked how he knew this since we had just barely arrived. Apparently, while we were hanging with the street ravers the other night, Tree had a quick swing. FatGirl was pushing me with every bit of strength he had. As I started to slow down, my foot hit the ground and the swing started moving in directions completely opposite of straight. Somehow, the swing started to twist and tip, causing my one shoe to come off, my legs to go flailing (I had on a dress) and FatGirl to squeal, “Did I just see snatch?” I quickly attempted to regain my composure and decided now might be a good time to tell them about the poolside noodlefest.

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