
It’s been one week since the Elite Alumni Reunion and if you stopped by my house today you might think the party was still going.


Baby Q is with me for our monthly ‘visitation’ and stooping was one of our many agenda items. BioMom stopped by to join us and, as we chatted outside, Baby Q tried out her stoop stair skills. She had successfully tackled the stairs multiple times and was about to do so again when she got distracted by something, leaned down to look at it, and the human Slinky began. Luckily, BioMom was standing at the base of the stairs and caught her as she toppled down, head first, and nearly changed our agenda for the day.


I took her inside, pulled the retro ice bag out of the freezer, the VCR out of the basement, and set her up on the couch for healing. BioMom assured me that she did not actually hit her head, “just bumped it,” which reduced my concerns about projectile vomiting – I couldn’t deal with that two weeks in a row.


Baby Q soon fell asleep and I used the down time to clean up her clothes, toys and musical instruments – just like with the Elitists. About an hour later she woke up, smiled and said, “I peed.” She did. A lot. All over the couch. So, like last week, I spent an hour or more cleaning, sanitizing and thinking to myself, “Could be worse.


James Stevenson would be proud to know that his children’s book, “Could Be Worse!” – which I read in high school and still own – continues to help me get through high school and babysitting shenanigans.

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