Pinch yourself

That’s Not Chinese loves Mumford & Sons. Loves them. A while back we decided to take a train trip to see their concert in a neighboring state, however, it turns out she is not the only person who loves them. The concert sold out within five minutes. “Guess we’ll have to go see it here. At the stinky lake,” she said, as though surrendering.


The concert venue in our town was originally built in the late 1800s and was intended to be a resort-like, ‘safe and wholesome’ place for families. It was also believed it would be the West coast Coney Island. None of those things are true today. Fires, receding water, loads of brine shrimp dying and rotting, and runoff from nearby sewage facilities have, sadly, reduced the public’s draw to the lake/resort. These days, the venue is most commonly used for raves. Some might say that is because one would have to be high in order to tolerate the stank. Most would agree, especially on a windy day.


We arrived around sunset and the view was spectacular. Sailboats were on the water, the sky was painted with fluffy orange, white and periwinkle hues and the temperature was perfect. The band started and, within minutes, the wind blew through causing it to smell like someone farted. “This is such a beautiful venue,” Country Winston Marshall said and added, “we’ve been pinching ourselves all day.” “Pinching their noses closed to block the stank,” I quipped. “No shit,” That’s Not Chinese agreed. “No. Shit,” Unfazed stated. “Actually, I think you’re right. That may be sewage we’re smelling,” That’s Not Chinese said. The breeze soon stopped, we stopped pinching our noses and, fortunately, the talent was unstoppable.


“These guys are so good,” That’s Not Chinese exclaimed. “He is one talented mother fucker,” I stated, referring to Mumford. “I just love this,” That’s Not Chinese said, happy as a live brine shrimp. “You should pinch yourself,” I advised. “To prove this is real?” That’s Not Chinese asked. “No, another wind is about to blow through,” I said and we all pinched our noses.

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